How Taking The Wrong Fish Oil Could Harm Your Long-Term Health
How taking the wrong fish oil can harm your long-term health because it contains toxins. If you are not careful, you can easily ingest fish oil which contains harmful toxins from fish. Find out how to avoid it and find the best fish oil.
The reason most of us are deficient in omega 3 is that fish is the best source and since they contain so many toxins today, experts recommend taking fish oil supplements instead.
The resulting increase in popularity of these supplements has offered many poor quality oils and many can put your health at risk and cancel out at least most of the benefits.
Dangerous toxins such as PCBs, mercury, arsenic, lead and dioxins are routinely found in fresh fish today and find their way into supplements as well. There are frequent cases where fish oil supplements are removed from sale due to contamination.
Many of these are carcinogenic and accumulate in the body, causing problems in the future. They are especially harmful to young children and expectant mothers.
If you want to avoid ingesting these harmful toxins, just make sure the oil has been through a molecular distillation process to remove them safely. The result is pure and safe oil that is also rich in omega fatty acids.
Omega 3 fats help protect your heart and brain health, strengthen your immune system, help protect you from certain cancers and treat arthritis effectively.
Consuming fish oil rich in the two main omega 3 fats DHA and EPA will provide the most benefit, especially if the ratio of DHA and EPA is 2:1.
Many poor quality oils have low levels of omega 3 and especially the most useful DHA. You should expect to get at least 500mg omega 3 oils in each 1000mg capsule, with at least 270mg DHA as a guide.
Now that you know how important it is to take distilled fish oil and one that is also rich in DHA omega 3 fats, you can confidently choose the best one and enjoy all the health rewards without any risk.
Discover the best omega 3 fish oil today by going on line and getting the facts.
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